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Why The Flow?

"There's no learning without joy"
–Tamás Vekerdy

In the traditional education system, both students and adults fluctuate between boredom and stress. The everyday pressure of deadlines and the unsuitable methods make language learning difficult and less effective. Everyone has already been suffering from some kind of mistreatment when it comes to learning.

At Flow we put high emphasis on providing the most delightful environment to develop your skills in several languages. Having mentioned that, we grant a wide range of courses that you can choose from. After finding your target language, we help you to find your dream teacher as well to achieve your goals and to keep you motivated on your journey.

Our school is called FLOW for a significant reason. We are committed to teach according to methods that are based on the flow-experience, the sense of accomplishment and the balance of revision and discovering a language.

What we offer

E-learning courses

Benefit from a variety of flexible e-learning language courses and improve your language skills at your pace, according to your needs and from wherever you want.

1-on-1 courses

Ideal for students who demand flexibility and want to learn at their own pace.Lessons are tailor-made for you, addressing your personal needs. The teacher’s attention is fully yours and the schedule depends on your availability.

Business English courses

Designed to teach you to communicate effectively in English in professional contexts. You will expand your English vocabulary, improve your ability to write and speak in English in both social and professional interactions, and learn terminology and skills that you can apply to business negotiations, telephone conversations, written reports and emails, and professional presentations.

(Ideal for 1-on-1 students and language groups for companies - for more info please contact us)


  • magyar zászló Hungarian
  • angol zászló English
  • német zászló German
  • olasz zászló Italian
  • spanyol zászló Spanish
  • holland zászló Holland
  • japán zászló Japanese
  • kínai zászló Chinese

Contact Info


Budapest, Széll Kálmán tér 21, 1122
Nóra Gelics - +36 20 258 0347

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram: @flownyelstudio